I’ve only taught two days. And I love it. Our current topic is the human body, and even though my throat is sore, (from talking, not yelling mind you) it's been an absolute blast. The students are beautiful. I've been teaching the high schoolers, and although they are hesitant to repeat the “th” sound that doesn’t exist in Spanish, with a little encouragement they were all singing “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." I'm discovering how much I enjoy working with youth.
The mini-library is up and running! It is a bit chaotic, but the key, I found, is appointing bouncers. Yesterday the two boys I asked armed themselves with brooms to cross in front of the door. They were very proud and very helpful. That way I can focus on book check-in and out, regulate book handling, and attend the very popular listening center. There are occasional blissful moments when all is quiet, and as the kids read and listen, I get this gleeful sensation that their minds are expanding!
May He continue filling each of you with all the fullness of His glory! You are a blessing to me and to everyone you encounter because His Spirit lives in you. We pray John 17:26 along with Christ: “I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I MYSELF may be in them.”